We produce high quality
tomato paste.
Located in the most productive tomato growing region in the world.
About Los Gatos Tomato Products
Quality and
For over three decades, Los Gatos Tomato Products has earned a reputation for quality products and commitment to our customers and our industry.
We process tomatoes from the most productive growing region in the world to produce high quality tomato paste tailored to our customers’ needs and specifications.

As an industry leading supplier of high-quality tomato paste, we have the ingredients: supportive owners who are also passionate growers, dedicated staff, a processing facility in the most productive tomato-growing region in the world and the values of an authentically quality-focused organization.

From field planning – to processing – to shipping our products, we are focused on delivering for our customers.

As a partnership of four family farming operations with deep roots in California’s Central Valley, we are committed to a sustainable future.
We produce high quality tomato paste. Located in the most productive growing region in the world.

The Focus of Los Gatos Tomato Products
From field
to consumer.

The quality and consistency of Los Gatos Tomato Products tomato paste helps to build some of today’s most recognized brands. From ketchups to barbecue and pizza sauces, we are passionate about our contribution to well-known products.

As a grower-owned facility, we provide exceptional service to the farms and farmers who entrust their harvest to our team. We focus on long term relationships with our growers and are engaged from planting schedules through harvest.
Working at Los Gatos Tomato Products
Opportunities to collaborate
and contribute.

We are committed to processing tomatoes from the most productive growing region in the world to produce high-quality tomato paste to meet the needs and specifications of our valued customers.

To be the industry leading supplier of high-quality tomato paste.

Accountability · Integrity · Quality · Safety · Teamwork

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Tomato Products
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